Going into April the weather is typically wet and still chilly! We are trying not to rely on central heatring as much as possible. Trying to reduce your energy bills with secondary glazing has never been more of a good idea. Energy prices are higher now than they have ever been! Now is the time to start thinking of cost effective ways to keep your home warm without raising your bills further.

Many homes across the UK have cold and draughty single glazed windows which allow the heat to escape. Secondary Glazing creates a barrier against the cold air getting in and the warm getting out, which means using less energy to heat your home. A pocket of trapped air between your cold glass and the warmer PET glazing panel reduces heat loss and the presence of cold spots in your home.

The cost of secondary glazing is significantly less than double glazing. I t typically equates to around 10 to 15% of the cost. It also does not distract from the beauty of the original windows. You also make no mess when you install it and incur no expensive fitting fees.

Secondary glazing is significantly more affordable than double glazing and you can start saving energy as soon as it is installed. The outlay is soon recouped and from that point onwards you can just keep on making savings in your more energy efficient home.

Look at our Thermal Insulation Fact sheet for more information.

Or call us on 01536 446395 for more information and advice.